Desert Reign Athletics


ISSA Youth Fitness Trainer

Countless studies show that children and adolescents today are in worse shape than at any other time in recent history. As a certified youth fitness trainer, I understand how timeless fitness and training principles apply specifically to kids and teens. I can help them train safely and knowledgeably for their age, boosting their confidence and giving them a stronger and brighter outlook on life.

ISSA Specialist in Strength & Conditioning

Until recently, most people believed that power athletes are born and not made. That has changed. Modern training techniques can make anybody faster, stronger, and more powerful. Athletes at all levels - from grade school to the NFL - can sharpen their competitive edge with the help of an expert trainer. As a certified specialist in this area, I can help you expand your body's capacity for challenging athletic feats while remaining strong and free from injury.

ISSA Performance Enhancement Specialist

Performance Enhancement Specialists create unique paths to improve strength, agility, and coordination for athletes of all levels. They provide the guidance needed to help clients identify the causes of overtraining and injury, develop programs to evaluate each athlete's fitness level properly, and empower them to make lasting positive changes in their sport. ISSA Performance Enhancement Specialists offer the knowledge and credentials that are essential for anyone wanting to make progress toward their goals.

ISSA Certified Running Coach

ISSA Running Coaches are passionate about getting more miles under their feet AND sharing that passion with others. They are the go-to for expert direction on how to improve form, personal goals, fitness, and distance. As a Running Coach, we can train and help athletes in the fields of training, injury prevention, motivation, and recovery strategies. From speed and agility training, 5k’s to marathons, and fixing kinks in running form - we can help them cross that finish line.